Hot Scalability Links for January 28 2010
- Google's Research Areas of Interest: Building scalable, robust cluster applications. At Google we see distributed systems as a technology in its infancy, with huge gaps in the supporting research that represent some of the most important problems in the space. Here are some examples: Resource sharing, Balancing cost, performance, and reliability, Self-maintaining systems.
- Amazon SimpleDB: A Simple Way to Store Complex Data by Paul Tremblett. The most effective way I have found to understand SimpleDB is to think about it in terms of something else we all use and understand -- a spreadsheet.
- Rackspace Cloud Servers versus Amazon EC2: Performance Analysis. The Bitsource conducted a review of the two cloud computing platforms, Rackspace Cloud Servers and Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2), to get a general idea of overall system performance.
- Private Clouds Are Not The Future by Jame Hamilton. Private clouds are better than nothing but an investment in a private cloud is an investment in a temporary fix that will only slow the path to the final destination: shared clouds.
- What is the right way to measure scale? by Daniel Abadi. So which scales better? Is using the number of nodes a better proxy than size of data? Hadoop can “scale” to 3800 nodes. So far, all we know is that Greenplum can “scale” to 96 nodes. Can it handle more nodes?
- High Availability Across Multiple Data Centers, Multihoming and EC2 by Andrew Johnstone. It becomes much more complicated to handle fail-over between multiple data centers. As an example if data center 1 fails entirely, we need to ensure that VIPs are routed to the correct data center OR DNS is changed.
- SimpleDB Performance : 5 Steps to Achieving High Write Throughput by Siddharth Anand. I was recently tasked with fork-lifting ~1 billion rows from Oracle into SimpleDB.
- Scalability Updates for Jan 26th 2010 by Royans.