Hot Scalability Links For Oct 1, 2010

- Zynga Moves 1 Petabyte Of Data Daily; Adds 1,000 Servers A Week by Leena Rao. 10 percent of the world’s internet population (approximately 215 million monthly users) has played a Zynga game.
- Jeremy Cole writes an incredible article explaining why MySQL will swap on a NUMA system when there's apparently a lot of free RAM. The MySQL “swap insanity” problem and the effects of the NUMA architecture. These boxes are now essentially appliances, maybe it's time for a special built OS that doesn't try to act like a timesharing system sharing scarce resources?
- Linux Kernel Tuning for C500k by Jared "Lucky" Kuolt. Instead of running 100 servers with 10,000 connections each, we’d rather run 2 servers with 500,000 connections apiece.
- A Microsoft case study on using Azure: Game Developer Meets Demand and Prepares for Success with Scalable Cloud Solution. Good, we don't see enough on Azure as a viable option.
- The SMAQ stack for big data by Edd Dumbill. Storage, MapReduce and Query are ushering in data-driven products and services.
- Building for the Cloud is Building for Scalability by Kent Langley. Very few applications can natively and easily scale to what we call cloud scale or web scale as they are out of the box. They simply cannot.
- SOA anti-pattern: Transactional Integration by Arnon Rotem-Gal-Oz. Using a service based architecture doesn't mean you need transactions between services.
- Overall Data Center Costs by James Hamilton. It's not all about power after all, servers account for 57% of monthly data center costs, power is 13%.Overall Data Center Costs