Hot Scalability Links for April 1, 2010

- Why NoSQL Will Not Die. Stephan Schmidt explains why you may wait a long time for NoSQL to go to that great bit bucket in the sky.
- DBMS Musings: Distinguishing Two Major Types of Column-Stores by Daniel Abadi. I have noticed that Bigtable, HBase, Hypertable, and Cassandra are being called column-stores with increasing frequency, due to their ability to store and access column families separately. This makes them appear to be in the same category as column-stores such as Sybase IQ, C-Store, Vertica, VectorWise, MonetDB, ParAccel, and Infobright, which also are able to access columns separately.
- Cloud Economics, By The Square Foot by Rich Miller. But cloud computing offers a middle path, offering cost and usability advantages for customers, as well as an attractive return for providers.
- PostgreSQL: meet your queue by Theo Schlossnagle. I really think that cueing your database to publish over AMQP is the bees knees and it turns out I wasn't alone!
- Scaling GIS Data in Non-relational Data Store by Mike Malone. How SimpleGEO uses NoSQL and other technologies. Yes, the still use memcached. Caching ain’t going anywhere.
- CLTV45: The Evolution of the Graph Data Structure from Research to Production. In this recording from “NoSQL Live Boston” we learn how Graph Data Structures evolved from research into production.
- Spanner: Google’s next Massive Storage and Computation infrastructure by Royans. MapReduce, Bigtable and Pregel have their origins in Google and they all deal with “large systems”. But all of them may be dwarfed in size and complexity by a new project Google is working on. .
- Video from Hadoop Meetup. Talks on “modified MapReduce architecture that allows data to be pipelined between operators” and “an exciting overview on the FlightCaster flight delays prediction service and some cool insights into the airline industry.”
- How to Scale Stuff, Part 1: Don’t Use Stuff you Don’t Need by Michael Wilson. Beware of Bright Shiny Objects.
- Not Only NoSQL!! Uber Scaling-Out with SPIDER storage engine by Mikiya Okuno. SPIDER is a storage engine developed by a Japanese MySQL hacker, Mr. Kentoku Shiba, it makes use of MySQL's partitioning functionality and store partitioned data onto remote servers.
- Puppet versus Chef: 10 reasons why Puppet wins by John.Technically, Puppet and Chef have similar capabilities, but Puppet has first mover advantage and has colonised most corners of the configuration management world.
- Brewer’s CAP Theorem - The kool aid Amazon and Ebay have been drinking by Julian Browne. Highly readable explanation of this tricky concept.
- Schema Design in Riak - Relationships. Carefully evaluate the shape of your data, the semantics you want to impose on it, and the operational profile of your application when choosing how you structure your data in Riak.
- The Patent System Does Not Scale by Mike Masnick. I am against software patents because it is not reasonable to expect that the current patent system, nor even one designed to improve or replace it, will ever be able to accurately determine what might be considered legitimately patentable from the overwhelming volume of innovations in software.
- Social Developer Summit. June 19th, San Francisco. The first Social Developer Summit will bring together social application developers to discuss the challenges, solutions, and best practices for building applications in the rapidly expanding social web economy. At the Social Developer Summit, industry experts will share tips and case studies for building high performance social web products.
- Glue Con Conference - May 26th & 27th in Denver, CO. At Glue, we'll explore the new technologies that are forming around web applications in a post-cloud world.
- MongoSF -April 30 in San Francisco, CA. MongoSF is a full-day, in-depth, multi-track conference exploring development with the non-relational, document-oriented database MongoDB.
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