Hot Scalability Links for Oct 15 2009

Update: Social networks in the database: using a graph database. Anders Nawroth puts graphs through their paces by representing, traversing, and performing other common social network operations using a graph database.

Update: Deployment with Capistrano by Charles Max Wood. Simple step-by-step for using Capistrano for deployment.

Log-structured file systems: There's one in every SSD by Valerie Aurora. SSDs have totally changed the performance characteristics of storage! Disks are dead! Long live flash!

An Engineer's Guide to Bandwidth by DGentry. It's a rough world out there, and we need to to a better job of thinking about and testing under realistic network conditions.

Analyzing air traffic performance with InfoBright and MonetDB by Vadim of the MySQL Performance Blog.

Scalable Delivery of Stream Query Result by Zhou, Y ; Salehi, A ; Aberer, K. In this paper, we leverage Distributed Publish/Subscribe System (DPSS), a scalable data dissemination infrastructure, for efficient stream query result delivery.