Hot Scalability Links for July 9, 2010

- Facebook serves 3 billion Like buttons a day says VentureBeat.
- CloudScaling reports: Rumor Mill: Google EC2 Competitor Coming in 2010? It looks like GAE for PaaS and an EC2 clone for IaaS.
- Tweets of gold:
- alandipert: scalability is a drug
- seldo: Scalability lesson #23: if any part of your system involves a list that gets bigger over time, eventually that list will become too big.
- obfuscurity: Her: "Go look at the pictures on the database." Me: "You mean our fileserver?" Her: "Whatever."
- luiscab: Ouch, I just read on an Info Mgmt rag that Hadoop could easily be an acronym for "Heck, Another Darn Obscure Open-source Project."
- sanity: Depressed about how much time I've had to spend searching for the right database solution for a new project. Each has it's flaws
- ioshints: You cannot take a car, grow it 10 times and expect to get a mining truck.
- A contentious thread on Hacker News: MongoDB Performance & Durability. Will MongoDB lose your data? Is CouchDB is slow?
- Andy Gross - "Distributed Erlang Systems In Operation: Patterns and Pitfalls. This wonderfully varied and detailed talk that isn't just about Erlang, it's about building distributed systems in general. For a liveblog of the talk go here.
- Schema Design for Riak slides and answers to questions. How to model data is one of the big questions with NoSQL and this looks like a very solid slide deck on the nuts and bolts.
- Cloudonomics: High Availability Should Be a Part of your Cloud Computing ROI Calculation. Does the cloud really provide cheaper Geographic Redundancy and Diversity, Point In Time Data Snapshots, Shared Data across Multiple Geographic Regions,, and Load Balancing & Basic Monitoring than traditional data centers?
- is a new StackOverflow style site with scalability as the topic. Not much action yet, but it's a good idea.
- Yottaa explains how they build Scalable Event Analytics with Ruby on Rails & MongoDB.
- Roberto Zicari compares and contrasts odbms systems to the new nosql datastores. The post is fascinating collection of responses from various vendors on why NoSQL is becoming popular. It's about choice and fitting the data store to the task.
- Data Center Knowledge takes us on a tour of the new 10 petaflop National Petascale Computing Facility. It literally looks something like out of Mission Impossible. Also more good stuff at Data Center Knowledge: Schooner: Flash-Driven Performance Gains, Are Massively Multi-Core Servers Game Changers?
- Shine explains how they render maps on EC2. After you’ve finished experimenting with small areas and start moving to a global map, you find that disk IO is by far the most important thing
- Relational Data, Document Databases and Schema Design by Mathias Meyer. It's easy to say that all the nice features document databases offer are just aiming for one thing, to scale's about getting stuff done.
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- You don't have to learn cloud computing with their cPanel/WHM control panel. Just start using it.
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