xkcd: How Standards Proliferate:
The great thing about standards is there are so many to choose from. What is it about human nature that makes this so recognizably true?

The great thing about standards is there are so many to choose from. What is it about human nature that makes this so recognizably true?
This is a guest article by Stanislav Kozlovski, an Apache Kafka Committer. If you would like to connect with Stanislav, you can do so on Twitter and LinkedIn. Originally developed in LinkedIn during 2011, Apache Kafka is one of the most popular open-source Apache projects out there. So far it
This blog post was written by Dedeepya Bonthu. This is a repost from her Medium article, approved by the author. In stadiums, sports fans love to express themselves by cheering for their favorite teams, holding up placards and team logos. Emoji’s allow fans at home to rapidly express themselves,
This blog post was written by Josh Clemm, Senior Director of Engineering at Uber Eats. This is a repost from his LinkedIn article, approved by the author. On a cold evening in Paris in 2008, Travis Kalanick and Garrett Camp couldn't get a cab. That's when
This is a guest article by Stanislav Kozlovski, an Apache Kafka Committer. If you would like to connect with Stanislav, you can do so on Twitter and LinkedIn. AWS S3 is a service every engineer is familiar with. It’s the service that popularized the notion of cold-storage to the