
VGhlIOKAnEZvdXIgSGFtaWx0b25z4oCdIEZyYW1ld29yayBmb3IgTWl0aWdhdGluZyBGYXVsdHMg aW4gdGhlIENsb3VkOiBBdm9pZCBpdCwgTWFzayBpdCwgQm91bmQgaXQsIEZpeCBpdCBGYXN0

This is a guest post by Patrick Eaton, Software Engineer and Distributed Systems Architect at Stackdriver. Stackdriver provides intelligent monitoring-as-a-service for cloud hosted applications.  Behind this easy-to-use service is a large distributed system for collecting and storing metrics and events, monitoring and alerting on them, analyzing them, and serving up

By High Scalability