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Sponsored Post: Nokia, Oracle, Percona Live, AiCache, ElasticHosts, Logic Monitor, Attribution Modeling, New Relic, AppDynamics, CloudSigma, ManageEngine, Site24x

Who's Hiring? * Nokia's Cloud Computing, Operations and Development Group is hiring! Check out: http://devops.nokia.com. CCOD designs, builds, manages and scales Nokia’s cloud computing. * ConnecTV is a start up looking for a DevOps & System Administration Leader to help build a revolutionary new

By High Scalability

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Sponsored Post: Oracle, Percona Live, AiCache, ElasticHosts, Red 5 Studios, Logic Monitor, New Relic, AppDynamics, CloudSigma, ManageEngine, Site24x7

Who's Hiring? * Red 5 Studios. Wanted: DBAs and Programmers interested in MySQL scalability and replication. If interested, please see us here. Fun and Informative Events * The Percona Live MySQL Conference & Expo features 60+ speakers, 72 breakout sessions, and keynotes from HP, Facebook, Box, Eucalyptus Systems, and more.

By High Scalability

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Sponsored Post: Percona Live, AiCache, Next Big Sound, ElasticHosts, Red 5 Studios, Logic Monitor, New Relic, AppDynamics, CloudSigma, ManageEngine, Site24x7

Who's Hiring? * Anybody interested in helping manage a 100+ Linux server deployment? Next Big Sound is a an analytics company for the music industry and is looking someone to help them scale. * Red 5 Studios. Wanted: DBAs and Programmers interested in MySQL scalability and replication. If interested, please

By High Scalability

sponsored post

Sponsored Post: aiCache, Next Big Sound, ElasticHosts, Red 5 Studios, Attribution Modeling, Logic Monitor, New Relic, AppDynamics, CloudSigma, ManageEngine, Site24x7

Who's Hiring? * Anybody interested in helping manage a 100+ Linux server deployment? Next Big Sound is a an analytics company for the music industry and is looking someone to help them scale. * Red 5 Studios. Wanted: DBAs and Programmers interested in MySQL scalability and replication. If interested, please

By High Scalability

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U3BvbnNvcmVkIFBvc3Q6IE5leHQgQmlnIFNvdW5kLCBFbGFzdGljSG9zdHMsIDEmMSwgUmVkIDUg U3R1ZGlvcywgU2luZ2xlSG9wLCBTcG9rZW8sIENhbGxmaXJlLCBBdHRyaWJ1dGlvbiBNb2RlbGlu ZywgTG9naWMgTW9uaXRvciwgTmV3IFJlbGljLCBTY2FsZU91dCwgQXBwRHluYW1pY3MsIENsb3Vk U2lnbWEsIE1hbmFnZUV

Who's Hiring? * Anybody interested in helping manage a 100+ Linux server deployment? Next Big Sound is a an analytics company for the music industry and is looking someone to help them scale. * Red 5 Studios. Wanted: DBAs and Programmers interested in MySQL scalability and replication. If interested, please

By High Scalability

sponsored post

Sponsored Post: New Relic, Atlassian, ScaleOut, aiCache, Rocketfuel, FreeAgent, Percona Live!, AppDynamics, Couchbase, CloudSigma, ManageEngine, Site24x7

Who's Hiring? * Rocketfuel is hiring engineers to build ad-serving, bidding, modeling and data infrastructure built using a mix of proprietary and open-source technologies. Please apply here. * FreeAgent - Senior Platform Engineer. FreeAgent is one of the UK's largest and most successful online accounting web apps, and

By High Scalability

sponsored post

Sponsored Post: Atlassian, ScaleOut, Grid Dynamics, aiCache, Rocketfuel, FreeAgent, Percona Live!, New Relic, AppDynamics, Couchbase, CloudSigma, ManageEngine, Site24x7

Who's Hiring? * Grid Dynamics is hiring engineers to use the latest advances in grid and cloud computing to build scalable services. Please send your cover letter and résumé to jobs@griddynamics.com * Rocketfuel is hiring engineers to build ad-serving, bidding, modeling and data infrastructure built using a mix

By High Scalability

sponsored post

Sponsored Post: Grid Dynamics, aiCache, Rocketfuel, FreeAgent, Percona Live!, Box, New Relic, Surge, AppDynamics, Couchbase, CloudSigma, ManageEngine, Site24x7

Who's Hiring? * Grid Dynamics is hiring engineers to use the latest advances in grid and cloud computing to build scalable services. Please send your cover letter and résumé to jobs@griddynamics.com * Rocketfuel is hiring engineers to build ad-serving, bidding, modeling and data infrastructure built using a mix

By High Scalability

sponsored post

Sponsored Post: Grid Dynamics, aiCache, Rocketfuel, FreeAgent, Percona Live!, Box, New Relic, Surge, Tungsten, AppDynamics, Couchbase, CloudSigma, ManageEngine, Site24x7

Who's Hiring? * Grid Dynamics is hiring engineers to use the latest advances in grid and cloud computing to build scalable services. Please send your cover letter and résumé to jobs@griddynamics.com * Rocketfuel is hiring engineers to build ad-serving, bidding, modeling and data infrastructure built using a mix

By High Scalability

sponsored post

Sponsored Post: Rocketfuel, FreeAgent, Percona Live!, Strata, Box, BetterWorks, New Relic, NoSQL Now!, Surge, Tungsten, AppDynamics, Couchbase, CloudSigma, ManageEngine, Site24x7

Who's Hiring? * Rocketfuel is hiring engineers to build ad-serving, bidding, modeling and data infrastructure built using a mix of proprietary and open-source technologies. Please apply here. * FreeAgent - Senior Platform Engineer. FreeAgent is one of the UK's largest and most successful online accounting web apps, and

By High Scalability